Deploy UDS Core


Please ensure that the following prerequisites are on your machine prior to deploying UDS Core:

  • Docker, or as an open source alternative, you can use Colima.
    • If using Colima, please declare the following resources after installing:
colima start --cpu 7 --memory 14 --disk 50

UDS Bundles

UDS Core provides published bundles that serve multiple purposes: you can utilize them for experimenting with UDS Core or for UDS Package development when you only require specific components of UDS Core. These bundles leverage UDS K3d to establish a local k3d cluster.

UDS Bundles deployed for development and testing purposes are comprised of a shared configuration that equips users with essential tools, emulating a development environment for convenience. If deploying to a production environment, users have the ability to modify variables and configurations to best fit specific mission needs by creating their own bundle.

Quickstart: Development and Test Environments

Step 1: Install the UDS CLI

It is recommended to update to the latest version, all releases can be found in the UDS CLI GitHub repository.

brew tap defenseunicorns/tap && brew install uds

Step 2: Deploy the UDS Bundle

The UDS Bundle being deployed in this example is the k3d-core-demo bundle which creates a local k3d cluster with UDS Core installed.

uds deploy k3d-core-demo:0.20.0

# deploy this bundle?

For additional information on UDS Bundles, please see the UDS Bundles documentation.


Use the following command to visualize resources in the cluster via k9s:

uds zarf tools monitor

Step 3: Clean Up

Use the following command to tear down the k3d cluster:

k3d cluster delete uds

If you opted to use Colima, use the following command to tear down the virtual machine that the cluster was running on:

colima delete -f

UDS Bundle Development

In addition to the demo bundle, there is also a k3d-slim-dev bundle designed specifically for working with UDS Core with only Istio, Keycloak, and Pepr installed. To use it, execute the following command:

uds deploy k3d-core-slim-dev:0.20.0

Developing UDS Core

UDS Core development leverages the uds zarf dev deploy command. To simplify the setup process, a dedicated UDS Task is available. Please ensure you have NodeJS version 20 or later installed before proceeding.

Below is an example of the workflow developing the metrics-server package:

# Create the dev environment
uds run dev-setup

# If developing the Pepr module:
npx pepr dev

# If not developing the Pepr module (can be run multiple times):
npx pepr deploy

# Deploy the package (can be run multiple times)
uds run dev-deploy --set PKG=metrics-server

Testing UDS Core

You can perform a complete test of UDS Core by running the following command:

uds run test-uds-core

This command initiates the creation of a local k3d cluster, installs UDS Core, and executes a set of tests identical to those performed in CI. If you wish to run tests targeting a specific package, you can utilize the PKG environment variable.

The example below runs tests against the metrics-server package:

UDS_PKG=metrics-server uds run test-single-package