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Packages CR (v1alpha1)


Field Type Description


Field Type Description
monitorMonitor[]Create Service or Pod Monitor configurations
networkNetworkNetwork configuration for the package
ssoSso[]Create SSO client configurations


Field Type Description
authorizationAuthorizationAuthorization settings.
descriptionstringA description of this monitor entry, this will become part of the ServiceMonitor name
fallbackScrapeProtocolstring (enum):
  • OpenMetricsText0.0.1
  • OpenMetricsText1.0.0
  • PrometheusProto
  • PrometheusText0.0.4
  • PrometheusText1.0.0
The protocol for Prometheus to use if a scrape returns a blank, unparsable, or otherwise invalid Content-Type
kindstring (enum):
  • PodMonitor
  • ServiceMonitor
The type of monitor to create; PodMonitor or ServiceMonitor. ServiceMonitor is the default.
pathstringHTTP path from which to scrape for metrics, defaults to `/metrics`
podSelectorLabels to match pods in the namespace to apply the policy to. Leave empty to apply to all pods in the namespace
portNamestringThe port name for the serviceMonitor
selectorLabels to match pods in the namespace to apply the policy to. Leave empty to apply to all pods in the namespace
targetPortnumberThe service targetPort. This is required so the NetworkPolicy can be generated correctly.


Field Type Description
credentialsCredentialsSelects a key of a Secret in the namespace that contains the credentials for authentication.
typestringDefines the authentication type. The value is case-insensitive. "Basic" is not a supported value. Default: "Bearer"

Field Type Description
keystringThe key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key.
namestringName of the referent. More info:
optionalbooleanSpecify whether the Secret or its key must be defined


Field Type Description
allowAllow[]Allow specific traffic (namespace will have a default-deny policy)
exposeExpose[]Expose a service on an Istio Gateway


Field Type Description
descriptionstringA description of the policy, this will become part of the policy name
directionstring (enum):
  • Ingress
  • Egress
The direction of the traffic
labelsThe labels to apply to the policy
podLabelsDeprecated: use selector
portnumberThe port to allow (protocol is always TCP)
portsnumber[]A list of ports to allow (protocol is always TCP)
remoteCidrstringCustom generated policy CIDR
remoteGeneratedstring (enum):
  • KubeAPI
  • KubeNodes
  • IntraNamespace
  • CloudMetadata
  • Anywhere
Custom generated remote selector for the policy
remoteNamespacestringThe remote namespace to allow traffic to/from. Use * or empty string to allow all namespaces
remotePodLabelsDeprecated: use remoteSelector
remoteSelectorThe remote pod selector labels to allow traffic to/from
selectorLabels to match pods in the namespace to apply the policy to. Leave empty to apply to all pods in the namespace


Field Type Description
advancedHTTPAdvancedHTTPAdvanced HTTP settings for the route.
descriptionstringA description of this expose entry, this will become part of the VirtualService name
gatewaystring (enum):
  • admin
  • tenant
  • passthrough
The name of the gateway to expose the service on (default: tenant)
hoststringThe hostname to expose the service on
matchMatch[]Match the incoming request based on custom rules. Not permitted when using the passthrough gateway.
podLabelsDeprecated: use selector
portnumberThe port number to expose
selectorLabels to match pods in the namespace to apply the policy to. Leave empty to apply to all pods in the namespace
servicestringThe name of the service to expose
targetPortnumberThe service targetPort. This defaults to port and is only required if the service port is different from the target port (so the NetworkPolicy can be generated correctly).

Field Type Description
corsPolicyCorsPolicyCross-Origin Resource Sharing policy (CORS).
directResponseDirectResponseA HTTP rule can either return a direct_response, redirect or forward (default) traffic.
matchMatch[]Match the incoming request based on custom rules. Not permitted when using the passthrough gateway.
redirectRedirectA HTTP rule can either return a direct_response, redirect or forward (default) traffic.
retriesRetriesRetry policy for HTTP requests.
rewriteRewriteRewrite HTTP URIs and Authority headers.
timeoutstringTimeout for HTTP requests, default is disabled.
weightintegerWeight specifies the relative proportion of traffic to be forwarded to the destination.

Field Type Description
allowCredentialsbooleanIndicates whether the caller is allowed to send the actual request (not the preflight) using credentials.
allowHeadersstring[]List of HTTP headers that can be used when requesting the resource.
allowMethodsstring[]List of HTTP methods allowed to access the resource.
allowOriginsAllowOrigins[]String patterns that match allowed origins.
exposeHeadersstring[]A list of HTTP headers that the browsers are allowed to access.
maxAgestringSpecifies how long the results of a preflight request can be cached.

Field Type Description
regexstringRE2 style regex-based match (

Field Type Description
bodyBodySpecifies the content of the response body.

Field Type Description
bytesstringresponse body as base64 encoded bytes.

Field Type Description

Field Type Description

Field Type Description

Field Type Description
ignoreUriCasebooleanFlag to specify whether the URI matching should be case-insensitive.
namestringThe name assigned to a match.
queryParamsQuery parameters for matching.

Field Type Description
regexstringRE2 style regex-based match (

Field Type Description
regexstringRE2 style regex-based match (


Field Type Description
authoritystringOn a redirect, overwrite the Authority/Host portion of the URL with this value.
derivePortstring (enum):
On a redirect, dynamically set the port: * FROM_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT: automatically set to 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.


portintegerOn a redirect, overwrite the port portion of the URL with this value.
redirectCodeintegerOn a redirect, Specifies the HTTP status code to use in the redirect response.
schemestringOn a redirect, overwrite the scheme portion of the URL with this value.
uristringOn a redirect, overwrite the Path portion of the URL with this value.

Field Type Description
attemptsintegerNumber of retries to be allowed for a given request.
perTryTimeoutstringTimeout per attempt for a given request, including the initial call and any retries.
retryOnstringSpecifies the conditions under which retry takes place.
retryRemoteLocalitiesbooleanFlag to specify whether the retries should retry to other localities.

Field Type Description
authoritystringrewrite the Authority/Host header with this value.
uristringrewrite the path (or the prefix) portion of the URI with this value.
uriRegexRewriteUriRegexRewriterewrite the path portion of the URI with the specified regex.

Field Type Description
matchstringRE2 style regex-based match (
rewritestringThe string that should replace into matching portions of original URI.

Field Type Description
ignoreUriCasebooleanFlag to specify whether the URI matching should be case-insensitive.
namestringThe name assigned to a match.
queryParamsQuery parameters for matching.

Field Type Description
regexstringRE2 style regex-based match (

Field Type Description
regexstringRE2 style regex-based match (


Field Type Description
alwaysDisplayInConsolebooleanAlways list this client in the Account UI, even if the user does not have an active session.
attributesSpecifies attributes for the client.
baseUrlstringDefault URL to use when the auth server needs to redirect or link back to the client.
clientAuthenticatorTypestring (enum):
  • client-secret
  • client-jwt
The client authenticator type
clientIdstringThe client identifier registered with the identity provider.
defaultClientScopesstring[]Default client scopes
descriptionstringA description for the client, can be a URL to an image to replace the login logo
enableAuthserviceSelectorLabels to match pods to automatically protect with authservice. Leave empty to disable authservice protection
enabledbooleanWhether the SSO client is enabled
groupsGroupsThe client SSO group type
namestringSpecifies display name of the client
protocolstring (enum):
  • openid-connect
  • saml
Specifies the protocol of the client, either 'openid-connect' or 'saml'
protocolMappersProtocolMappers[]Protocol Mappers to configure on the client
publicClientbooleanDefines whether the client requires a client secret for authentication
redirectUrisstring[]Valid URI pattern a browser can redirect to after a successful login. Simple wildcards are allowed such as '*'
rootUrlstringRoot URL appended to relative URLs
secretstringThe client secret. Typically left blank and auto-generated.
secretNamestringThe name of the secret to store the client secret
secretTemplateA template for the generated secret
serviceAccountsEnabledbooleanEnables the client credentials grant based authentication via OpenID Connect protocol.
standardFlowEnabledbooleanEnables the standard OpenID Connect redirect based authentication with authorization code.
webOriginsstring[]Allowed CORS origins. To permit all origins of Valid Redirect URIs, add '+'. This does not include the '*' wildcard though. To permit all origins, explicitly add '*'.


Field Type Description
anyOfstring[]List of groups allowed to access the client


Field Type Description
configConfiguration options for the mapper.
consentRequiredbooleanWhether user consent is required for this mapper
namestringName of the mapper
protocolstring (enum):
  • openid-connect
  • saml
Protocol of the mapper
protocolMapperstringProtocol Mapper type of the mapper